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SDL and going on a break

Oliver Marsh
At the end of december I decided to port the game to SDL so I could use my mac computer. I knew I liked programming in the style of Handmade Hero but I didn't have the motivation to learn objective-C and the Cocoa framework for Mac. I had looked at implementations using NS classes a couple of times but never got very far. I had heard about SDL and decided to look into it a bit more. I also wanted to program using OpenGL and do most stuff myself, but not have to think too much about creating a window, outputting sound etc. I also really like the layout of the MSDN wiki and the, which I couldn't seem to find a similar style wiki for mac.

As I learnt how to use SDL, the more I liked it. It still held the concepts of the level of programming I liked, but provided a easy to use API, like SDL_CreateWindow, and SDL_GL_CreateContext for a Opengl Context, so I didn't have to learn the ins and outs mac platform programming. SDL also has a really easy API wiki that tells you what the function does, examples of how to use it and related functions. example entry

Another thing I was a bit weary about using a library was having dependency problems. I wanted the user just to download the program and run it. SDL is also easy in this respect. I just have to include the .dll or .dylib (in mac case) with the game. And it runs!

Since porting the code to use SDL, I have moved onto a new project for the time being. I wasn't having much fun making Mind Man, one of the reasons being I had lost where I was heading with the project. I hope to come back to it eventually. I don't want to say too much about the new project, but I have purposely made it a lot simpler so I can concentrate on the gameplay just as much as the engine. And hope to have an end product in a shorter time frame.

It's tough to stay motivated and keep working at a game. Best of luck to MindMan and your new project.
Apple has very similar documentation on functions like MSDN. It's available here:

In many ways its much better than MSDN, because it has not only API reference, which is good on MSDN. But also general concepts/overview which I find is not very good on MSDN.

For example, main Window'ing API (Cocoa):
Sound API (CoreAudio):
Thanks Chen for the comment, hope to come back to it eventually. Love seeing the updates on Monter, it gets me very motivated.

Thank Martins for the link, will definitely be having a look.